Sheba Bees Wins Platinum & Gold at Global Honey Awards

We may be new, but we’re already creating a buzz! 

Sheba Bees founder Waleed Alhariri proudly accepted Platinum and Gold Quality awards Saturday, July 6, for all three of our inaugural season Yemeni Sidr honeys at the prestigious London International Honey Awards 2024 (LIHA). 

Our Sidr Hadrami Honey, harvested from traditional clay and wood hives in Yabuth, Hadramawt, won a Platinum award — the LIHA’s highest rating with a score between 95.5 and 100. Our Sidr Osaimi and Sidr Jardani honeys both won Gold. Needless to say, we are very proud of all our beekeepers and our Sheba Bees field team in Yemen for helping us become Global Honey Stars in our first year! 

So what does that mean for you? Well, you can be even more confident in the purity and world-class quality of Sheba Bees honey. All honey samples must be lab-certified as authentic before blind taste-testing by the London Honey Awards jury, a panel of 12 judges from the UK, Italy, Turkey, Germany, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia and Belarus. Honey is scored on appearance, odor, texture, flavor and how it feels in the mouth along with, most importantly, the general sense of enjoyment it provides. 

Now that we’ve impressed some of the most discerning palates in global honey circles, we’d like to impress you! 

All three of our award-winning honeys are available in our store. Every purchase helps us grow and supports our mission of bringing premium Yemeni honey to market in ways that support local beekeepers, create safe spaces for native honeybees and strengthen beekeeping communities. 

Follow us on facebook and Instagram @sheba.bees.


Ahmed Faed